Sunday Summary: It’s up to us

Sunday Summary is my attempt to look back on the week, see what inspired me, reflect on what I learned, and start a catalog of the things that are important to me.  Hopefully you will find some value here as well. The concept was derived from Harold Jarche and his Friday Finds blog post.

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A blog post from Jonathan Anthony via Feedly talking about Seth Godin’s new book “It’s always your turn.

My inspiration: The reminder that “It is up to us. We can and should partner with everyone in the pursuit – execs, colleagues, clients, HR, contacts, our network – to Make. Shit. Happen.”  From a L&D perspective, I believe this is the only way for us to survive.  I can no longer afford to hide behind my processes, tools, and expertise to find the answers. I need to get in trenches and work with others to “Make. Shit. Happen.”

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A blog post by Tom Spiglanin found via Renne Roberz on Twitter talking about Charles Jennings 70:20:10 framework for organizational learning.

My inspiration: Tom’s call for L&D professional’s to get proactive.  I like the way he states that “People aren’t hired to learn, they’re hired to increase productivity or capability.” Sometimes, I think I conveniently forget this when trying to forge a learning solution, along side the fact that most learning occurs, informally on the job.  This article was just the reminder I needed.

Summary (aka reminders to myself)

  • Get proactive, partner with those on the same journey and Make. Shit. Happen!

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