Make Your Own Rules

My ah-ha for Day 4, 5, & 6 of Shannon Tipton’s 30 day brainstorming challenge: Make your own rules.

I typically don’t do “social media” on the weekend – especially when I get a long one.  This time of year I want to ride bikes in the mountains, play in the lakes, have wine with friends, and eat yummy food.

We all put ourselves under so much pressure to perform and impose rules that aren’t really there to begin with.  So that being said.  I love this #30 day challenge and I am just going to do what works for me – which means I probably won’t post on the weekends.

Would love to know how you are making this challenge work for you in comments or on twitter.

4 thoughts on “Make Your Own Rules

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  1. Wait, if it’s a challenge for rebels and you can’t break the rules where is the point?

    I do it too. There are days which are just too great to stay in front of a screen. We have been longing so long for those days now living outdoors is a matter a sanity.

    Also, it pushes us to be more synthetic and to the point.

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  2. I’m with you Kate, and it’s my challenge! LOL. Rebels break rules, especially self-imposed rules. Why make things harder than it has to, I want people to challenge themselves…in a good way! I know you’ll keep posting thoughtful ideas, and I look forward to reading them!

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